you guys do realize wayne root is a big scam, this guys been blacklisted on many sports monitors including, go check it out if you dont believe me
you guys do realize wayne root is a big scam, this guys been blacklisted on many sports monitors including, go check it out if you dont believe me
you guys do realize wayne root is a big scam, this guys been blacklisted on many sports monitors including, go check it out if you dont believe me
I think is a big scam. There is no way they can have only 6 or 7 on the blacklist and have a hundred or more on the "approved" list. What a joke! Plus they don't have any of the big services listed, like Northcoast, Private Players of Pittsburgh, Gameday Sports, etc. I would give very little credibility.
We have to get rid of this guy "KevinBets"
Look at all of his 6 posts. He comes in here asking where he can buy Justin "NO" Covers for 2 days, then he starts posting his plays everyday. (as if someone would actually pay for his un-informed crappy advice). He is obviously just a schill, and I would bet that the two of them live in their parents basement.
He is doing this on other message boards and they call him Justin "Fade Me " Covers.